young people
"Coming to this group has given me confidence in myself and allowed me to express myself in a way a feel comfortable without being judged"

Meet other LGBTQ young people (13-19) in a safe space
The groups meet every week for 2 and a half hours.
Examples of things we do together are:
Artsy and creative stuff
Trips out and involvement in Prides
We also chat about all sorts of things, from relationships, managing feelings and self care to getting on at school and home, as well as random things that come up.
You can also speak to a youth worker privately if you would like to.

To join our youth groups simply get in touch by
We respect your privacy and do not "out" people. Your attendance and participation in the group is confidential. But if you would like support in coming out to friends, family and loved ones, we can help you find safe ways to do this.
HOWEVER, if we think that you or someone else is at serious risk of harm we may need to break confidentiality. This is extremely rare and we would always try to talk to you about it first.
Please talk to us if you are concerned about how we manage your confidentiality
how do I join?

Here are some simple descriptions of what the L, G, B, T, and Q stand for. You can find useful sites with more information on our Resources page.
A person of female gender who fancies other females.
A person of male gender who fancies other males. This term is now also often used by lesbians.
A person who fancies people of their own gender as well as another gender.
A person who identifies as a different gender to the one they were given at birth. This is an identity word which does not necessarily describe someone's biology and is independent of sexual orientation. Trans is an umbrella term for people who are transgender, non-binary (don't identify entirely as male or female) or other gender variant description.
? Questioning
It can be really confusing trying to place yourself in categories and it's totally ok to be unsure! Questioning describes the process of exploring oneβs own sexual orientation or gender identity.

when and where we meet
We don't publish the locations of the groups online to maintain privacy for those attending. Simply get in touch to find out exactly where we meet.